@Alan Major: Prop Turnarounds Demo Reel

I have created my prop turnarounds demo reel but for now I have only playblasted them so that I can make any changes etc. before rendering everything. I tried to only include the necessarily parts and show various versions or close ups of each model. As well as for the project I am also hoping to use this as a demo reel when applying to some summer internships. Any advice on how to improve it or any changes to make would be appreciated.


  1. Hi Emily - Your models look good (possibly a bit of tweaking the position here and there graphically speaking) but overall much better than before. However, a demo reel is for an employer not you/your project, so it doesn't need a 'project logo' - its about talent/knowledge. You should replace the logo with more industry specific details. Such as, your name, the project title, and which software/roles you used/had. Use simple text (clean, readable and not Times New Roman).


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