Summer Work: Redesigning- Speakers Metaphor

Speakers Metaphor

"I was always told to speak up because of how quietly I was talking. But my brother was loud and was never told to speak more quietly."

Moving Parts:

  1. Arms
  2. Mouth
  3. Flashing lights
  4. dial
  5. antenna
  6. sparks / smoke
  7. sound waves
  • Robot is standing on a little disc on a base
  • The robot is moving its arms, opening and closing its mouth, its lights are blinking and its antenna is moving
  • The dial is turned up to max
  • The mouth closes and stays closed
  • The speaker starts smoking and sparking
  • The red light flashes rapidly
  • Then the robot is spun on its disc, when it stops it has stopped smoking and sparking etc.
  • The dial is still turned up to max
  • The eyes light up and the mouth opens and stays wide open
  • Sound waves come out from the speaker
  • The robot is pulsating from the vibrations of the sound
  • Music notes are coming out from the robots ears
influence map
Initial designs
Production Art / Concept Art
