Premise: Initial Ideas

Following the premise briefing and my first tutorial, these are my initial ideas for the project:

Firstly I wrote a list of things I would like to focus on technically during my project, as these are the things I feel I am best at / enjoy the most:

  • Maya- modelling
  • Environments
  • Editing / Compositing
I would also like the opportunity to work on / improve in these aspects:
  • Texturing
  • Lighting
  • Rigging
  • Animating (characters)
I want my animation to involve:
  • one or two quite basic characters, as I don't want character design to be the focus of my project
  • complicated environment(s), as I want to focus more on modelling and building environments rather than having a complicated story or focusing on characters
  • a strong style
Initial Ideas:
  • Animation following a journey of a character through an environment
    • fictional story / based on something true
    • monologue / montage
  • Personal story of being a twin
    • show the different stages of life as a twin e.g. sharing birthdays etc.
    • could include the story of being born 3 months early
  • Personal story of shyness (as a child)
    • one character on a journey
    • environment could personify shyness ?
    • journey to finding a friend
    My next step is to write about these two main themes (being a twin / shyness) so that I can start to develop the ideas and decide which one I am going to take forward.


    1. Hi Emily - thanks for posting these ideas: there are ways you can turn things and environments into really engaging animations/short films that hardly rely on characters. I'm going to share a few here with you...

      My broad point is that you can tell a story using a thing or an object or express an emotional state through materialising it as an animated environment (and therefore a combination of both).

      One way to move your thoughts towards more laterally visual places is to start thinking about the different ways by which you might express shyness visually; For example, if you were to describe what it was like to be shy, would it be as a grey blob surrounded by other brightly-coloured blobs; if shyness was a 'car' what kind of car would it be and how would it compare to other sorts of vehicles etc... The same goes for talking about the experience of being a twin; you just start by thinking of non-human things that share the characteristics of a twin and take things from there. My suggestion to you is just undertake an exercise where you try and 'visualise' shyness in as many different ways as possible, comparing it to as many different sorts of things and places and objects as possible... and then you try a similar exercise in terms of trying to pictorialise your feelings about being a twin...


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