FSTS- character changes

Following feedback from my second OGR here are the revised character designs for my animation


  1. Hi Em - you need to commit to hands and to feet! I also think you need to look at some basic anatomy - so look at the slope of those shoulders on the girl character... where is her neck? If you tried to create an orthograph from her you'd soon realise that you couldn't. I think you need to create a number of these studies because there's more improvement possible - do some head drawings for example - I can't see the actual structure of these characters faces - they're flat here - take a look:




    You're flattening these characters - when you need to approach them as 3D objects that you're trying to draw...

    and hands and feet - you've got to commit to understanding them, or you'll forever be creating characters with stumps!



    It took me about 5 seconds to find these references online, Em - this is something you must do for yourself when you 'don't know how to something' - trust me, the missing information is out there - not to mention please look at all the character design resources on myUCA/Story/Character Design resources... Roll up your sleeves and do the difficult stuff - it will be worth it when things start to look much, much better...

    also - you need to think of a character's hair as as 3D shape too...


    (When you understand every bit of your character is a shape - you'll find it much easier to see that same shape from another angle when you come to turn your character around and draw it from another point-of-view.)


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