Invisible Cities Thumbnails 41-56

For theses thumbnails I tried out different types of digital drawing/painting in Photoshop to create different looking thumbnails and effects.

I focused on the 4 cities that I find the most interesting and the ones that I will probably pick from when it comes to picking my chosen city.

For these thumbnails I focused on line drawing in Photoshop

For these thumbnails I focused on using the paint brush tool on Photoshop

For these thumbnails I used the Lasso Tool to create shapes

For these thumbnails I used different layers to warp and blend them together


  1. the thumbs when you're using the lasoo tool are immediately more expressive than the line-drawings... I detect a bit of 'generic thinking' going on here when you're thinking and drawing buildings - lots of squares and rectangles - I think you need to look at more visual reference and try not to draw the shapes you associate with buildings, and instead think about all that a building can be... for example, here, Baucis looks like a conventional set of skyscrapers, but there's nothing to suggest that type of architecture in Calvino's text - indeed, if this was truly a city on stilts, it would probably be unlikely that the city was constructed of great heavy lumps of masonry... just because of the weight! What do you think?

    1. Yes I agree I do need to think more about the shapes and styles of the buildings, I will find some more visual reference and see what I can come up with!


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